Unable to choose parts and need help

Hi all, I am creating a robot and am having trouble selecting parts. For the most part i have been able to calculate that i want to use this motor

and gear it down to half its rpm. I believe that the battery I selected will work for this motor but am having trouble determining how to attach this to an arduino, motor controller, and 2 other smaller motors similar to

I thought of using 2 different power sources I was hoping that someone could help me select parts or give me any info on this. Anything will help, Thanks.

Looks like you need to control 3 motors. 1 big motor with more than 4Amp and another 2 smaller motors with 0.8Amp rated current.

The smaller motor you can get 3A motor driver shield. 1.2A continuous current should be sufficient.

The big motor you can consider either the 10Amp Shield or 13Amp motor driver (not shield type).

If you are getting the shields, then you can stack directly onto your Arduino board. If not shield type, then you need jumpers to connect the signal pins.

Hope it helps.

The battery i was thinking of is

Thank you for the help. Do you believe that with this battery


I would be able to power all three motors and be able to stack both shields on an arduino? Also what other parts would i need to be able to control the motors?

It is not recommended to use power bank to power Arduino and motor driver because most of the power bank have auto cut-off feature which will cut off the power supply if your Arduino/ motor driver is not drawing any current. This feature is to protect your mobile phone from overcharge.

It is more common to use either Lead Acid or LiPo.

This series might help: https://community.robotshop.com/tutorials/show/how-to-make-a-robot-lesson-1-getting-started
For propulsion motor selection: https://community.robotshop.com/tutorials/show/drive-motor-sizing-tutorial