Two Shoes

my first robot finally he comes yeah!! it's a random avoiding obstacles robot,but it's my first so it is special. Now i admire my opera, after i think at a 6 legged walker, a rover or a BEAM, has anyone some ideas??

Avoids obstacles

  • Control method: Arduino UNO
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: An ultrasounds sensor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

A line follower and 2 sumos

A line follower and 2 sumos that you program to “fight” each others are very plain, but very educative things to do :slight_smile:

(And welcome to LMR!)


you should make a beam walker!

hey thanks to all, it would

hey thanks to all, it would be interesting a legged walker with 6 legs and 2 arms like a real spider :smiley: :smiley:

That is fantastic for your
That is fantastic for your first robot.

Nice job!

Nice job, you did it very well.

Thank you!

Thank you!

Awesome 1st!
Fantastic job on your first bot. Very clean, and it works very well!

Thank you

Thank you

As soon as I read "Two

As soon as I read “Two shoes” I remembered that music.