Actually, I made this Robot to be controlled by an android device through Bluetooth Module. But unfortunately my bluetooth module stopped working. So I was thinking of making something of it.

A month later I had made Home Lightening System using IR TV Remote. Then I thought of making this ROBOT which is controlled by TV Remote.


Components Used:

i) Arduino UNO R3

ii) L298 Motor Driver Module

iii) 4 X 300RPM 12VDC Motors

iv) Tires and Grip

v) 12V 7.2Ah Battery

vi) IR Reciever and IR TV Remote

Including All of the above components CHASIS is the most Time consuming and best thing made.. :D :)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

What will the robot do?

What will the robot do. Will it be RC or have a cell phone on it like the ROMO robot.

Nothing Different But

Robot will follow the instructions given by IR TV Remote.

I was working on Robot controlled by Mobile but unfortunately something wrong happened with Bluetooth module, it doesn’t recieve data.

I’m new in LMR. How to upload additional photos? 

Nice going Kausal. Would

Nice going Kausal.  Would love to see more details and a video. Welcome to LMR. Cheers.

Wow you should give the robot a task or better function.

Imagine all the cool posiblities with this robot. I suggest you give it a task or function. I would love to hear about that. Would you like an idea I am full of those.