Turtlebot 2 + Alexa: Help needed

Hello everyone!

Firstly, I’d like to start by introducing myself. My name is Antonino and I’m a teacher in a secondary school in Spain.

Next course, I want to buid a social robot with my students. I have thought to use a turtlebot 2 and Alexa to comunicate with it. I have chosen this combination because I think it’s the easiest way to do it with my students, who are about 15 years old.

I have found a library, flask-ask-ros, and I want to use it.

As you can imagine, I’m going to need a lot of help, for this reason, if someone wanted to help us, it would be fantastic.

If someone has another option to build something like this, don’t hesitate to say.

Thank you in advance and best regards.

While ROS is great new

While ROS is great new features are a pain mostly due to lack of documentation. If all you want is for the tuttlebot to respont to voice commands you can use a Android phone with voice recognition and a python chatbot. You  can have interesting chats with the chatbot and use the stari feature of AIML to send commands




Thank you very much! Peter,I

Thank you very much! Peter,

I hadn’t thought in Android to do it. I think it’s a great idea but I have some doubt now. Can I use a hotword with this method? I have tried to find any solution but no result.

I’ll keep looking.

Thank you again

android phone

Ros voice message has a continuous mode and a press to receive mode is easy to use python and reg ex to filter a message for a keyword then remove the keyword and send that to the chatbot. I have set my chatbot that way, robot commands require the keyword Robbie for movement else its just chat.

the main advantage of using an android phone is it works better with women and kids

ros voice command




Thank you very much,It’s a

Thank you very much,

It’s a perfect idea for us. I’m going to investigate a lot about how to use it but, if I have some problem, can I contact you again? I don’t need you answer too fast but I need to know that I have someone who can help us if we need.

Thank you again.


if you have questions you

if you have questions you can ask them here. this is a link to what I used a while ago it should give you a start


start with



Thank you

That robot is similar to what I would like to get.

I started with Inmoov too but something similar to Robbie MoveIt 3 would be a dream. 

Thank you very much. I’m going to study your code.

