What would be a fairly simple way to mount the yaw servo for a tricopter?
I was thinking of having the yaw servo connected via linkage to the arm which the motor is mounted on then having the arm out to the motor be mounted through 2 bearings supporting it while allowing the whole arm to tilt.
Is there any other ways that would work, preferably without any custom parts?
Image from arducopter setup guide;(I'm building frame"tri")
Add a motor+esc and upgrade
Add a motor+esc and upgrade to a quadcopter 
a quadcopter would require mixing to be flown via radio
Software mixing is not fun if there is a bug in your code, a tricopter can be flown from the ccpm (I think that’s what they’re called) outputs from my remote thus avoiding hassle of mixing the signals on the copter. Also I like the wide space between the arms on a tricopter. If I need more power I will upgrade it to a hexacopter.