Triceratops Kit


First post of a robot kit I am working on. I am still working on the white shell parts, so this is a rendering.I'll post a video in a week or so.

The robot is about 8 inches tall.

The robot runs on: 11 - MG90s servos, Arduino Nano, PCA9685 servo controller, 2 - 18650 Li-ion batteries, mp2307 voltage regulator.

One VL6180X to keep from bumping into things, and jumping off cliffs.

One MPU6050 to help stand up straight.

It can also add on a RaspberryPi zero W with 3inch speaker and camera. I connected this up to Google's various AI kits to allow the dinosaur to act smart. Easiest thing to do is load Google assistant to allow the walking Dino to be a cooler version of your Google Home.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I was actually thinking of
I was actually thinking of doing something like this someday… you beat me to the punch!

But I still can’t wait to see your progress on and the completion of this project. As a dino-lover this really tickles my fancy!

Best of luck!


Looking forward to the video! What did you use for the internal structure? Keep in mind people here are just as interested in the internals and what went into building and designing it as they are the finished product.

Most of the structure is plastics

Most of the structure is plastics. I designed the robot in Fusion360. The white parts are sculpted scanned into Fusion then refined and adjusted to attached to the frame. My wife is still re-sculpting those parts so the finished version will look different. 


I expect to release the white shell parts in STL files so people can print their own on a 3D printer. Making sure those parts are printable by most home FDM style 3D printers is still work to be done. 


The black frame parts are also plastic, currently I am having those made to insure they are light and strong enough. It could be possible to 3D print those parts in an FDM style 3D printer. But, that would be a different design process for me, so not sure I will do that extra work or not. 



I will post more about the build and inner workings of the project (electronics and software), just wanted to get a first post up, and a discussion going. 

No two projects are ever exactly alike.

No two projects are ever exactly alike. I’d love to see what your up to. 

I hope to release this as a kit this fall. Maybe you could get one, and build on the ideas. All the software will be open source and the electronics are pretty standard. Some of the plastics I have had manufactured, just to get the precision, weight, and strength right. 

Hi, this looks sooooo good. It is a cute robot. I have been looking for a kit of this kind for a long time and recently I found a product test whose test product is a kit with which you can build 3 robot animals. Have a look:

SuHo, Thanks for the compliment. I hope the Dragon and Stegosaurus shells turn out as cute.

Nice educational kit, did you try it out?

I will be releasing this kit on Kickstarter soon. Would you like me to let you know when it comes up?

I have not tried the learning kit yet, it is not on the market yet and can be tested exclusively on the platform. I hope to become one of the 5 testers. Sure, let me know if it’s on kickstarter.

This is a very aweome looking kit!!. And I’m so looking forward to your kickstarter campaign!!

Thank you for the complement. You can e-mial me at [email protected] and I will add you to my list of people to notify. Or, you can just track this forum. I will certainly post here when the crowdfunding starts.

Hello @jacquin,
Awesome project, so original! I didn’t see a lot of dinosaur-inspired robots. I assume your Crowdfunding campaign has started :slight_smile: :+1:

Will you add videos/images of the Intellisaurus in action with the different shells?
Based on the image of the dragon shell, I suppose the neck/head will move even more?


Thanks for the complement. Yes the Indiegogo campaign has started. Just got my arrow certification on the campaign. They were very helpful.

Intellisaurus on Indiegogo link

I will add a video fo the dragon shell soon. I have not actually finished the design of the dragon neck. I have it mostly done. The neck will curl up and straighten so the head can touch the ground. Eventually allow the mouth to open and pick things up. But the mouth movement is a second go around on the design.

I have done this type of thing before on my prosthetic arm designs. So I am comfortable with it. Just want to get it right before doing a video.
Kwawu Prosthetic arm on thingiverse

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