Tri-Track Battle Mech

Thanks guys,

Alan, I was thinking about making them continuous turn but I was so dissapointed to have lost one of those. Its hard to come by those kind of components :frowning: External H-bridge sounds like a good idea, Im gonna have to give it a shot. The claws were cut out of aluminum with a hacksaw and a dremel. It was not fun but it turned out pretty good for my purposes. The mech had two claw arms originally but I took one off and swapped it out for the airsoft cannon. I will post clearer closeups of the claw tonight.

Here are some closeups of the claws and some other angles

Thanks for posting the additional jaw pixs. Looks like a small leadscrew, driven by an R/C servo. Well done! Iā€™m working on a pair of jaws for a Table Top 'bot, so I know what it entails to do something like that!

Nice work!

Alan KM6VV

I knowā€¦ Why donā€™t you send them to Hitec for warranty repair? :unamused:

Nice! And I like the claw too!
But where are the lasers coming out of its eyes?

I didnt even think of that. Unfortunately I already dissected it and turned it into a continuous turn as suggested by Alan. I will keep that in mind though if it happens again.

Hey , you got a FANTASTIC looking Mech and donā€™t take this wrong but I personally think you need to do something with the Pewee Herman mid torso to make it look as tough as the rest of the bot!

You got this ED 209 kind of upper look with the Arnold Schwarzenegger kind of claw and Johnny 5 army set of tracks which look AWESOME but the side view shows a malnutrition-ed torso which I think could use some metal.

Again donā€™t take this in a negative way it is just an observation from fellow Bot Builder.

I just now saw this thread and its great to see you continued working on your bot. Mechanically it looks fantastic. I hope you have good luck working out the programming and electrical issues which I know can be BIG a pain (see signature) . Iā€™ll be following this thread and again, good luck. :smiley:

While it looks great, I agree with Putt-Putt that the hex nut at the base of the torso looks ā€¦ inadequate. Iā€™m sure it is in actuality strong enough, but it just doesnā€™t quite fit the rest of the Bot-o-saurus look.
And that claw looks bitchin!

Thanks fellas, I definitely agree with your feed back :slight_smile: I kinda ran out of parts and need to restock. Im going to be ordering a bunch more very soon. I am also in the process of making a video. Soon as I get the new parts I will see about beefing up that waist area, it will probably help stabilize the upper body anyway. Cant wait!

Also, I actually took this sucker to my studio today and a group off my coworkers were standing all around it, the I loaded a full magazine into the airsoft cannon and had a great time watching people scatter into cubicles and run behind cabinets and chairs as the mech chased and tracked them. I dont blame them, I tend to become mentally unstable when driving around a fully armed rc mech :smiling_imp: :open_mouth:

Some new updates, I changed to an upgraded airsoft cannon. Im awaiting a relay before I film it in action. I also started sculpting the outer shell out of clay which I will eventually make a mold with. I hope you guys likeā€¦

I have been following your thread. I Like! But Iā€™m beginning to think I donā€™t want to meet you in a lonely alley at night. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks roboTed, I cannot lie, an armed rc mech does make me crazy :wink:

On another note, I could really use some help. I cant get my new relay to work properly. Can someone look at my code and help me figure this out?

This is the relay Im using

Im really having a hard time. I thought I had it working but it seems to activate when other servos activate and not when I press LeftButton 2 like I want. Any help would really be appreciated. :frowning:
tritrackmechps2_v3.bas (12.5 KB)

In your code I donā€™t know what the bpress1 variable is supposed to do in your tests as the variable is not set or cleared anywhereā€¦ In some commented out code it was used to only do something once and not every pass through the PS2 code.

I also would not use 0 for the PW as that gives you no pulse. I would probably try Pulse widths of 750 and 2250.

I also would personally break the cannon code out of the main serout to the SSC-32. You only need to output data to it when it changes. Maybe something like:

if BUTTON_L2 and (Lastbuttons.bit8 = 0) ā€™ Only do when the press is doneā€¦
serout SSC_OUT,i38400,"#5P2250", 13]
elseif (BUTTON_L2=0) and Lastbuttons.bit8 ā€™ only do when the button is releasedā€¦
serout SSC_OUT,i38400,"#5P750", 13]

Note, you would need to remove the code to output the leftcannonā€¦ from the main serout.


Thanks Kurt I will try it out tonight when I get back home. Im very new to the coding so I dont understand most of it. Ive been cannibalizing and writing some based on the very little that I kind of understand but with the cannon I havent had any luck :frowning: I really really appreciate the help.

So I tried what you suggested and couldnt get it to work. I did some more reading and missing around with it till I got something that did work although not really great. This is what I did:

if BUTTON_L2 and (Lastbuttons.bit8 = 0) then ā€™ Only do when the press is doneā€¦
serout P5,i38400,"#A1", 13]
else (BUTTON_L2=0)
serout P5,i38400,"#A0", 13]


Now it does shoot when pressed and stop when not pressed but the stop seems to be delayed. The amount of time the stop is delayed seems to be random, sometimes it stops immediately, most of the times it takes a second or two. I also had to move the relay off the ssc-32 onto the botboard due to some weird interference coming from the servos on the ssc-32. It would activate the switch sporadically when ever I activated the arms, waist, ectā€¦ Any other suggestions to improve responsiveness would be appreciated. Also I find that the torso rotating servo tends to drift left to right without any input from me on the controller. When I shut off the controller in mid drift it stops. Any ideas on why that might be?


Short Answer is no not sure what the delays are. Would need to debug.

Look for delays in the code, also look for places that wait until previous move completes or the likeā€¦ I did not see anything obvious in the code.

From your code, I am assuming you have the switch hooked up to IO pin Labeled A? Have you tried to plug it into one of the standard Servo connectors?

Some delay is caused by:

remove the rems (') to see the RAW joystick and Button values in terminal 1. serout S_OUT,i57600,[bin buttons\16," "] serout S_OUT,i57600,[dec3 rhori\3," ",dec3 rvert\3," ",dec3 lhori\3," ",dec3 lvert\3," "] serout S_OUT,i57600,[13]
in the get_PSX_data function. I would probably comment them out to see if that helpsā€¦

I also often use the LEDS to debug. Things like turn on an LED in the code that turns gun on and then turn it off in the code that turns it off. Then you can see if the timing looks off, or if it maybe is the gun once it starts a cycle wants to complete.

Trick: Since on BB2 Leds are on pins 12-14, which is used by PS2, You can remove the jumper shunts from the LED buttons on the BB2 and use a servo extension wire to jumper from some other IO pins to the pins where the shunts were. (Use the pins that are closer to the outside of the board). I often use P4-P6. Now you can use commands like High P4 or Low P4ā€¦ to turn off or on leds.

Not sure what else to mention here.


I see GREAT Mech Warfare in your future!!!