tracked ROV

UHMW plastic is usually used for low speed bearings and rubbing surfaces as it is self-lubercating. Try a plastic drill bit for drilling plastic. They have a negative rake angle and scrape rather than cut. Also drill at a slower speed and make sure the bit doesn’t melt the sheet. Have you tried lexan?

I moved this discussion of plastics to a new thread since it seems to be an interesting topic, and we don’t want to hijack the thread:

UPS is bringing me toys today… toys. toys! TOYS!



Should have some kinda status update later this week and maybe new pctures this weekend.

Lets hope they get to your house. I never seem to get my stuff whenI expect it. :laughing:

Lets see some of the latest photos!

When you get home from work take a few pictures… :laughing:

actually I’m working on this but I had to take stuff apart to show how I did some things. there have been 4 areas I’ve worked on since the last photos (back end plate/heatsink and motor controller, front block moutning, hdd+mini-itx mounting, and the arm/pan+tilt for the camera.) should be able to put something up later this weekend.

I think you should submit your project to Robot magazine, it’s that good. I look forward to seeing the updates this weekend.

Some new pictures…

The dual H mounted to .125 plate

and then mounted to the back of the robot

this is how the front beveled block is attached using al bars

(need another picture here of it assembled, doh!)

base lpa servo is a 5645mg

then two 5475HB on the ASB-13

then the pan & tilt is a pair of 5475 using an lpa for the pan

not really shown yet is the mounting for the mini-ITX, 2.5" hdd, and an ABB. I should get more time to pull together pics and post maybe this weekend.
Have not had much time to work on the control application on my PC yet either but I’ve got bits and bytes of it working. :unamused:

I envy your ability to create robots :laughing:

Me likee.


You seriously deserve a “Robot of the year” award! This project desrves an artical in Servo & Robot Magaizine. It is truly amazing.

I agree. I am serious about asking you to submit an article about your robot to Robot Magazine. This project demonstrates many different uses of technology on a small robot. Seems like a good topic :wink:

Well… let me get it all working and stuff first. :wink:

Actually if I had a decent RF linked video, and the BAP + ABB is capable of running 8 servos, 1 Ping)), 2 GP2Ds, 2 analog inputs, two quadrature inputs from encoders, and 4 digital outputs then I could eliminate the mini-ITX entirely and just use the MatchBoard for the wireless control interface. But I won’t get my BAP and ABB until later this week and I have no idea how much I can actually get it to do so I don’t know if I am going to stick with mini-ITX or change my control scheme.

Who cares if it works! It’s still a work of art!

cool bot ,ahhh have u thought of remote desktop ,i think it runs the apps locally but u would still be able to control /reprogram /view the video
thats what i was thinking of doing(except my other machine is a 98se bummer) well just a thought till u find something better ,ohhh has anybody thought of uing those ipod drives for memory ??

Yup, its been talked a lot about using ipod memory, but im not sure if anyone knows how…anyways, lets not thread highjack :laughing:


actually I have a 4gb cf card and an IDE adapter I tweaked to be a direct plug to the mb. I am having difficulty getting an image of the hdd to the cf card so I went ahead and figured on mounting the hdd in the chassis for the moment. we have a disk duplicator at work that can handle different disk capacities so I was thinking I might give that a try but have not done so yet. I’m not really sure how else to get everything to the cf card such that it will be bootable. as another option I might be able to just get the files copied using my desktop and then use fixmbr in xp repair mode or something. not really a strong area of knowledge for me unfortunately.

Eddie, can I ask what kind of tools you used to cut the (aluminum I believe). It looks good! Im building the MARC Robot with aluminum becuase it has to have good armor to be able operate after an impact from a weapon ect. Im not going bullet proof or anything, just needed a material that is lightweight and can sustaine some kind of light attack and impact (thus my idea to use aluminum). I am hoping I can use something in the range of 1-2mm thick grade and still be able to cut it with regular shop tools (what kind?).

Also, I’d like a link to where you got the small foam tires and the hubs you used to mount them to the chassis. Would really appreciate it! :smiley:


actually had a local machine shop guy make the aluminum parts for me from prints I made up in rhino. the foam wheels are just dave brown lite flight wheels from tower or hobby lobby, I forget which. the wheels are mounted on axles used for landing gear and are made by du-bro. pretty certain I got those from tower. I just used regular wheel collets to hold them in place. I’ll dig up some links later today around lunch time.