Today will bring moderate love/hate relationship feelings

As a pseudo appendage to yesterday's rant on swarmobotic's without saying anything that might risk bringing dissapointment to people if this doesn't come full circle or even vaguely to fruition:


Been losing sleep over this little fellow:


>_< need more chips


//end appendage rant


With low hanging clouds of pitchblack insanity.

or continued:

While I'm pondering the meaning of the package being "in distribution @ 06:32"

I wonder if it's worth the shame of calling NXP and begging 'till their ears bleed about a liberal sample case to any prospective winner of an evolutionary swarmbot challenge O_o

How would that work?

vague thought's on the subject:

Winner is to be determined by overall survivability of the final code?

base examples:

Get a giant crate of Powerbars and cell phone chargers (3.3-5v) from your nearest garage sale and outfitting all those junkbots you've made while waiting for your parts and outfitting them with them shiny new gazillion pin dips youve been saving and networking them with RF RX-TX and command them to remain active for as long as possible forcing them to charge, fit giant furry 'reboot after final tx'buttons for your playfull cats/dogs/gerbils/steppe turtles to play savannah hunters around the powerbars making the rebooting (non surviving)mousey/SHR/YDM/T100/Johnny 5/furby recieve updated 'if/prowling fido avoid second floor powerbar/if prowling fido go location where ever and if less than 100mah left go to nearest mapped powerbar if two to three within same wavefront square follow for ease of survival and stuff' scetch measuring the active runtime of the longest surviving bot on closing of project (say 3 months from tools down on the swarm?)

make lots of superfancy mega shiny swarmers with non specific function still being the same type: hexapods able to identify and twist their walladapters for charging? tankchassied solarpowered ones parasiting on others battery supply and/or charging capability? using the same formula of three months continuos run with an end readout of the longest surviving bot?

how about a series of wifi hardwired to walls innercity midi makers with a big giant red OFF button making random sounds and tones untill the button is hit TXing the (this is where people started getting really pissed of) to the rest of them (first server based AI composer?)

(note how they got progressively shorter as I moved away from my personal inspiration sources :P)

Why do they have to be same or similar?

While it would be awesome to get a proper base for cultural development (as in bot B got a solder iron and Bot C has a faulty motor wire what does bot a do?) the basis for intellectual development must be a sort of physical equilibrium between the bots both for code crunching between them and for the actual evolution of the "species" (MIT wouldnt be MIT if it was headed by walruses, t-rexes, Dr.Zaius a faulty lightbulb and an e.coli culture.)

Why three months?

We could make it six months or six millenia but most of us I assume have lives outside of this and jobs and girlfriends/pets/kids/partners/friends/other hobbies/just really itchy for a bunch of fancy samples. And a deadline would be neccesary for comparative results.

perhaps a delayed starting date (tools down date) for people without a million bucks to burn or a ton of junkbots?

'nuff said! my package has arrived!

(if anyone has a more streamlined ideas for a challenge lets hear it!)