Toad (Padje in dutch)

This is my second functioning robot.

All the parts are recycled, so it didn't cost me more than a bit of time.

The schematics can be found all over the internet, for it's just another BEAMbot (the one using 2n3904 and 2n3906).

The only change I made is instead of FLEDs I've used some serial-placed diodes. This way I can choose at what voltage the circuit will "fire".


  • Actuators / output devices: Motors from recycled walkmans
  • CPU: Non
  • Operating system: Non Programmable
  • Power source: Solarpanel
  • Programming language: Non Programmable
  • Sensors / input devices: 2x light dependant resistors (LDRs)
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It would be cool if you also

It would be cool if you also posted a video. :slight_smile:

Video and schematics coming
Video and schematics coming soon.
This is the first time for me that I posted a bot, so It takes a bit figuring out.

Video and schematics coming
Video and schematics coming soon.
This is the first time for me that I posted a bot, so It takes a bit figuring out.

Video and schematics coming
Video and schematics coming soon.
This is the first time for me that I posted a bot, so It takes a bit figuring out.

whats the web site???

whats the web site???