This happened by accident


Most excellent!

Chris, great gob! You have

Chris, great gob!  You have out done yourself! 

I’d love to see in a video how you made the copper parts!  Video please!!! :slight_smile:

It’s a great job of taking the essents of many of the bots here on LMR and adding a high level of artistic creativity with the steampunk theam!  You should build these for a living.  I could easily see this (as it is) used in a movie!



I’m going to order some parts for my next project and I think I might just have to get one of these too.  I don’t no what I will use it for but it looks like it would be fun to use.

Beautyful peace of antique

Beautyful peace of antique art CTC.

A funny gif for the face

A funny gif for the face would work (and look) well

What a wonderful little bot!

What a wonderful little bot! Love the steampunk design!

Just WOW!

Absollutely beautiful! You are an artist in copper and wood! The idea of the LCD is awesome! It really adds personality to the robot. If this is an “accident” I wonder what what wonderful robots you design intentionally look like!

Again, WOW!

Well, I believe it’s uncontested

See MarkusB’s jpeg below :smiley: Damn well done, sir. A sterling piece indeed.

This is really a great

This is really a great designpiece. Really beautyful…

Featured in The Latest In

Featured in The Latest In Hobby Robotics Ep 11!

Really nice Chris… :slight_smile:

Its B-E-A-utiful…!!!   :smiley:

Nice work Chris… I liked the cable connectors they look good with the bot…

The wood, the copper and the brass rods really give it character… Even the choice of screws, really nice touch.

Very eager to see what this guy can do… :slight_smile:


Sensors like the Sharp range finder on letsmakerobots  starter bot can use a capacitor and resistor at the sensor connector to help with noise. This works on other sensors types.

Sensor (1) r10k to Gnd (2)

Sensor(1) c10-100/v16 to Gnd(2)

V+(3) c10-100/16 to Gnd(2)

c is a cap 10 to 100 microfarads /v16 use an electrolytic

r is a resistor 1/8 to 1/4 watt

Your Robot is GORGEOUS!!!


Servos are noisy

Servos because they need constant updates to maintain their position are very noisy. Automatic or manual.

** Chris, **

Chris, users servodroida (RU) wondering what to monitor is installed on your robot. Could you tell us about it, but can also show pictures? =)


Thank you!

Sure thing.

The screen is this guy. It is a screen, SD card, and microcontroller all in one. You can program it directly (just like you would any robot brain) or it can be a “slave” and will work by sending it serial commands from a host microcontroller. Photos, video and raw data can be stored on the SD card and those pictures and video can be shown on the screen. It has amazing documentation, 6 or 8 support programs (to convert photos, work with fonts, format the SD card, an IDE, etc) and simply works great. For $35, you can not find a better screen. These things are awesome.


This robot is crazy cool. Nice job.


Super cute!

That little guy is super cute! I’m a fan of the steampunk style but not got the artistic flair nor the craftsmanship to carry it off but this robot screams to me that you have tonnes of both.

Classic construction

Reminds me of the 1960 film “The Time Machine”.


very good fabricating !

the finishing is fabulous, very, very, very good job.

Jules Verne can use that in his books !



DID you made the wheels ?  what is the “tires” ?

how it is inside the “corpse” ?