The Wire Beings beta: An expandable, humanoid, Arduino Robot

All build instructions, parts lists, 3D files, and code can be accessed here:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great project

I’ve go to admit I really like this little fella!

I was a bit skeptical at first when watching the video but seeing how it can be expanded has definitely changed my mind!

It would be great to see what else you can do with it.


Keep up the good work!


Thanks so much! That means a lot!

I have had a couple people send me videos of them making the basic build but I am anxious to see someone do their own build. 

I’m very tempted to give it

I’m very tempted to give it a go as soon as I find the time ha ha.

I have a servo controlle that I need to review for LMR, so I could add that to my version to control arm/head servos :slight_smile:

good these will certainly

good these will certainly not get downloaded through the Google Play Store on Play Store With the higher than techniques it is normally practical to contain any Android os nice.