The ultimate Controller! LOL.;)

I think Lynxmotion could do with one of these!
…Hay jim when can we expect a Demo?! :wink:

Whoa! Man… that ain’t right. :open_mouth:

hey that controller looks as one as i dreamed about some time ago
and it looks so weird an funny :smiley:

maybe this will looks more confident:

it’s a wireless ps3 controller with keypad to navigate on internet…
i hope this can be used as a real ultimate wireless controller…

It looks like it’s missing about 7 analog sticks… :wink:

That second look more nicer than the first image… is the first image could be possible guys?? What do you think guys???

What planet are you from and how many thumbs do you have?
Nice though - I like the infinity button but I would say it’s still lacking a Pi button. Everything needs a Pi button just for effect.


I decided a while ago to design and build my own version of the above.

The two remote units are physically joined at an angle which makes them easy to use.

The PS2 controller operates my Manoi humanoid and the attached PS2 micro keyboard transmits to a receiver which then plays up to 255 different mp3 files for some TV work…

As you can just about tell from the stickers on the keyboard, he has quite a repertoire !!

I will fully document the whole project soon :wink:

hello friends! here are another controller with a lot off buttons, and in this thime is for psx 2! i wonder if this might work with the lynxmotion kits…