The LMR Nano Reef


I like robots but I also like fish. I used to keep a large sea aquarium and due to moving arround and work I had to get rid of it. Bummer. But now I convinced my wife that we need another one. We have some wasted space in the kitchen so there it will go.

In the bottom niche is Ted. Ted's a gold fish. Guess he has to move eventually since he doesn't like salt water. There's room there for 2 aquariums of 485x350x270 so it will contain under 100 liters of water.

First thing I'm staring on is the light system. I'll try to make a multifunctional one. Suited for both marine and regular tropical aquariums. It's all about color spectrum and intensity. I found a 10 watt high power led rated at 10000Kelvin on ebay. You want your marine aquarium lights anywhere between 10.000K(daylight/white, fish/colors/nice for the eye/soft corals) and 20.0000K (visible blue, stone-corals). In addition 1 watt per liter will do the job (with TL systems, some lighting systems can do with less). I went for little less.


The red and yellow leds can be switched on instead of blue for sweet water tropical aquariums or plants as they like the red spectrum. I will try to program some sequences that will simulate a day and maybe even the seasons in tropical oceans. Something like switch on the blue leds at 06.00 switch on the white leds at 08.00 and switch on the high power led at 10.00 (and vice verse when night time sets in). Why? Because if you want sea life to get turned on you need to screw arround with the light. The clownfish is already a succesfull bread sea creature but most of them don't go funky in aquariums. Let's picaxe them and see if it makes a difference :)


A friend of mine will do the platework (0,5mm rvs). Maybe I'll try and sell some of the frames once they work. :)


The box will be 450x260x20.

Since the aquariums will be build into the niches they will stick some 15cm out of it so I can get my hands in there for cleaning etc. The top one will be equiped with a tunze nano skimmer (handles up to 200 liter reefs). In there will go a symbiotic anemone and 2 clownfish (nemo's) probably. Anemone's can swallow a whole mussel. Very polluting especially in nanoreefs (what goes in must come out). The skimmer should take care of most of it before it releases the clean water to the lower aquarium. In the lower one I'll put some corals and small critters and maybe a small fish (like the mandarin fish). A clamp would be nice to (doopvont). These are all "more" sensitive creatures.

But this will take months from now and I'm not even sure at this point. As soon as I get things setup I add salt water (syntetic salt). Leave that for few weeks and then add live rock, as much as possible. That will cure for at least a month (depending on the quality) before the first fish goes in there. Between every new animal you need a few weeks.

In addition, not so long ago it was deemed impossible to maintain a reef aquarium that contained anything under 200 liters of water. I tried small ones also and they had a point. The more water the better as any variable that changes goes with smaller steps if the volume is bigger. Reef aquariums don't like changes so there you go. I might even hack into the walls to create more volume. (more volume is also more life). If I make the lower aquarium 20cms higher I might well reach 160 liters. Next to the niches I can setup some small aquariums (sumps) that hold up to 50 liters. Wow, 210 liters. Nano is getting bigger already (but trust me bigger is better).

Things to try also;

Wave control

Monitoring readings (ph/temp etc)

Automated dry food feeder

Automated water treatment (adding minerals etc)

Explaining my wife that bigger is better

You are a very versatile

You are a very versatile person!

Couldn’t of done it without

Couldn’t of done it without LMR!

Freakin hand made corals?

Freakin hand made corals? Aquarium? If you are saying that you made it all, you have to get into details!

Mostly the HW; How do you… plasster it all up?

With your presense, LMR is a very versatile community!


Corals are live stock. I neither made any of the fish. I was refering to the first picture, you have the wooden cabinet, the aquarium and the filters that sit under there. Thats made by me with quite some help on the glaswork from a befriended fish lover (you can’t handle a 3mtr piece of glas very safely alone) :) Ofcourse it had to be populated and many animals are kind of picky in regards to their environment or "friends’ they have to share the aquarium with.

So I’m not sure what you wanna know about the old one. I’ll explain as much as possible when the project goes along. Lights first and I’m drawing the tanks and connections at the moment. It will be a strange setup since we’ll have 4 tanks that will be interconnected. Then again the idea is the same where 1 is a display tank for the animals and a second smaller one is the filter space (times 2).

Since I’m starting from scratch you will get to meet every aspect of setting up a reef tank in the weeks to come. You just help me with idea’s on how to automate it’s operation as much as possible :slight_smile: It uses quite a bit of hardware when finished and maintaining it used to take a lot of time (e.g. my old 3 meter reef took me at least 1 full day a week to keep).

Thanks, got ya!Am very

Thanks, got ya!

Am very impressed :slight_smile:

(Because I know you also make planes, and robots, and is a party and all :D)

Hey I like it my friend.

Hey I like it my friend. Will tell my bro about it,he’s got a big huge salt fish aquarium…very impressive. Thanks for posting.


Cheers dude, love you to. Maybe it’s a bit off-topic as the nano reef has little to do with robots. Then again it will use either the picaxe or the MRS1 (depends on how much I have to control). I addition it will use some brand new cutting edge super tooper fenomenal crap like the lighting system and the wavemaker. I used the drawing tools that Geir introduced here so I guess it would classify for a LMR something else project. The LMR nano reef.

heck, you’ll get fish lovers to visit your site also :slight_smile: Might be more of them then robot lovers :))


Don’t let him try the wavemaker in that, it will be reaaaaaaaaaaal noisy with larger volumes :slight_smile:


I probably just came up with the cheapest ever to make wavemaker. Breath in breath out.

There are many wavemakers arround using all kinds of stuff to create a nice wave in your tank, most of them work with autotmated pumps to simulate a wave by switching on and off in a sequence. This is kind of the plan I had for the reef. Since it’s a nano reef I could use 1 pump in every tank, maybe 2 small ones. But anyway I had to sticks pumps in there consuming space, energy i/o pins etc. Then I thought something hydraulic. Kind of like what I’ll try now but with some push pull bar inside of the wavemaker (working kind of like a pump when going up and down). But reefs are as beautifull as they can be destructive. Salt, Calcium, Algae and a thousand other things can clog up any mechanical system. So I looked at what I had drawn so far and thought about air.


See the above as a closed box. It will sit against the backwall of the display tanks and in the bottom there are holes that will let water in and out (1 side only facing the front of the tank). The tophole will be attached with a tube to a small airpump. All now is the picaxe to switch on and off the pump. When it's pumping air will fill the wavemaker pushing out the water. When the pump switches off the water will push out the air et voila, surfs up dude!

 Looking into it's operation I found this excellent little piece of equipment. It's a 3 way air switch used on modelplanes. They usually operate the retract system. (One love).

It is operated by a normal servo and holds 2 positions;

(Position 1)
Centre Port: Open
Right Port: Closed
Left Port: Open

(Position 2)
Centre Port: Open
Right Port: Open
Left Port: Closed


How cool is that, exactly what I need to make the wavemaker breath. Real waves for the nano-reef (second love). Now that will be hooked up to one of the microcontrollers creating waves during the day and none during the night/feeding time. (3thd love).

And now you see, here is where love finds eachother. Robots, Planes and Reef Aquariums. I'm of to party!

A friend of mine had a disco

A friend of mine had a disco ball (you know the ball with small mirrors) rotating above his aquarium, and had a large spotlight at 90 degrees. That gave this great illusion of light being broken by waves before entering the water.
With your LED setup this should be easy to mimic. I see your adding a microcontroller to your system, you might also add a IR receiver so you can remotely control the lighting (for the romantic evenings). And maybe also add a real time clock like DS1307 to handle the night and day sequence.

I just spent some time

I just spent some time reading about the ds1307, thanks great tip I dont think it could work without! Not sure about the discobal :slight_smile: Since the tanks are not that big and the pumps doing 15 to 20 times the volume an hour + the wavemaker the water will cause wrinkels that will reflect the light as in the real ocean. In the old aquarium I added some small halogen bulbs, that with the top layer of watermovent caused that bright sunny effect also. I’ll try to mimic real life lighting sequences. If you switch them on and off as you like it will be very hard to get the fish in any romantic mood :wink: For the lower animals it’s probably even of more importance, not enough light will often kill them. Many of them (and all reefbuilding corals) contain symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) that work like solar cells for the animal ;) They like blue light 460nm. think I have to go for the propellor as it can control more leds to produce the day/night thing. Also it can handle 24 volts (the high power led needs that).

Stuff Ordered

Since my paycheck came in I got arround ordering some stuff. For now I got 4 x 10 watt led in 20.000k and 2 x 10 watt 10.000k high power leds from ebay (arround 10 bucks each).

These will simulate the daylight routine. The 10.000k is pretty much standard, the 20.000k leds are more blue and more suitable for reefs.

So next is a search on the other leds I want to put into the system. For plants I'll need led's that emit 440nm and 680nm + 480nm and 650nm. These ranges are absorbed by chlorofyl A and chlorofyl B. Chlorofyl is the stuff that plants use to produce food by converting carbon dioxide into carbonhydrates.

In addition there's a process called morfogenessis, basically the proces that shapes plants by migrating certain cells into leafs and branches. These will be in the 600 - 700nm (light red) and 700 to 800nm (dark red) range. There's a catch here, to actually benefit from this range I will need to shutdown the 20.000k lamps (which was the plan anyway, 20000 is for reefs) and have more then 10 watts of it (since the 10k one is 10 watts). From a ratio bigger then 1:1 (white:red) it works best.

Then the blue, anything between 400 and 500nm. Most readily available reef lamps peek in the 420nm. Many smart dudes have been thinking about that so hey, why not. Anyway, the symbiotic algae in corals will like it.

I found this shop that have most of the leds we'll need (sorted by nm's).

To control water and airflow

To control water and airflow i got some valves, again from ebay.


4 pieces, I think I'll use them for the wavemaker also.

I have a project that needs

I have a project that needs solenoid controlled air valves. Out of curiosity, how much did these cost  you?


Check them on ebay

Hmm. I need 20, 30, or more

Hmm. I need 20, 30, or more of these things. That’s too expensive. The search goes on.

A friend of mine made this

A friend of mine made this lamp with LEDs for his reef. He is very happy with the results: (in Spanish but with a lot of photos)

Nice one

Hi Mif, anyway I could contact him by mail or so? Would like to exchange some ideas (if he speaks english). I noticed the cool white leds which are 5500K combined with the blue cree’s. I think the spectrum is not wide enough especially not for stoney corals (there are none in his tank I noticed). Some serious power to, almost 200watts!

A long wait

Yesterday I got the metal work in.

YES! It took some time but it turned out pretty nice.


All stacked on top of eachother


The leds all fit in their corresponding holes.


Top mirror plate and lenses (they still might go off depending on brightness).


All good so far, now for the hard part, building something that will control the leds so I can simulate day and night.