The hexapod robot "Spider P.I.G."

Inverted kinematics



I like that you used Java to use the hexapod. how do you solve the problem with inverted kinematics?



Juan Antonio Breña Moral

LIfting the laptop

Dude the design is aewsome “love it” you could hack the guts out of those servos or just buy/build the H-bridges needed to put geardrive motors in there the ones with metal gears are strong enough to probably take a ride on a platform like that I allways wanted to do what you are doing there but I never got my PC to interface maybe you can post a bit on that topic if you will…

[email protected]




I have always wanted to attach wheels to my macbook, but that might be kinda hard because I’m not too deep into even BASIC, much less assembly or java. And of course the laptop weighs 5 pounds. But its not low on processing power, (2.4 GHZ) so someday I might be able to use the ISIGHT as a object detection sensor and, well, yeah. But I guess for our kind of robotics, an EE PC is way more power than you need.


Anyways, how much does the EE PC weigh? (please, pounds, I have no clue what a kilogram is)


1 pound = 454 grams1

1 pound = 454 grams

1 kilogram = 1000 grams

1 kilogram is approx 2 pounds

And I’m from the US :slight_smile:

"kilogram" is a word. Something to fill wikipedia’s search box with.

where can I find those

where can I find those servos




An american who knows what a kilogram is :slight_smile: Who da man…

Says I who never seem to remember what an inch is. ~2.5 cm or something (and I still mess up AM and PM too)

Anyway looking it up and converting it isn’t exactly rocket science :slight_smile:

Hello Sir
I am BE student with an Electronics and instrumentation major…i would like to do a hexapod…a mini project.can you please tell me how to do it …please tell me the components required,circuits… etc