The end of Snapper

So I finally had the time to finish the Snapper. Its biggest problem was the power circuit. After making custom power circuit it was time to test. And big was my surprise if the robot didn't move. All the electronics were good, the servos worked, wheels rotated but the robot was still. After thinking and testing for a while I realised that all the weight (the batteries) was in the tail and the wheels were in the front. Oh, how stupid mistake is that. So that basically ment that I had to redo all the mechanics and come up with totally new design. Yea, damn.

I made some pictures and took the bot apart for parts. Probably I don't have time to build another version of it because I'm buzy with school, work, robot arm, swarmbots and webpage. Also I got to play around with Boe bot and couple of virtual robots, so I'm satisfied.


This is the hardest "Find

This is the hardest “Find The 5 Differences” I have ever tried, I need help on it!