The Best Drones 2017 | RobotShop Community

With thousands of robots out there, it might be hard to navigate among the different products and find the best one for you. That’s why all the RobotShop experts have gathered for you this list of the 5 best drones.
Don’t forget to check out our other Gift and Best of Guides: The Best Vacuum Robo

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Does the MakeBlock drone, or any of the MakeBlock kits support real time video? If not, is there an add on board / system you could recommend that would transmit real time video?

Hi Jim,
The Airblock doesn’t have any camera on board.
There isn’t any native way to add a camera and use it through the app. And adding an FPV remote camera isn’t just technically doable unfortunately.
Let us know if there’s anything else we can do to assist you,

@Jim - Currently this drone do not have any camera on board so cannot transmit any video feed.

For me this is the best budget drone: XIAOMI Mi Drone 4K UHD WiFi FPV Quadcopter
No doubt!