Texas Ranger, a WRT54GL R.O.V. (updated -interface pics)

OMG, I’m afraid that I can’t

OMG, I’m afraid that I can’t help you in that case, because there is no plans at all :confused:

A tiny paper with some measures, to order wood in wood store, was all of my plans, and it was thrown away time ago…




Yes, i have a few suggestions.

I didnt see any details on your site on which IP camera you used, but i know that if you used H.264 it would take less processing power to search the tiny area for white dots. There are generaly 2 types of ip cameras, that one and Mpeg4. the performance can be seen here, the pdf is safe by the way. http://saysecurity.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=438

Another thought is that you should check your routers performance specs on wiki or something and compare it to others.

Besides making your code smaller and more efficient I think it might be benificial to structure your router code to check if the camera is being used, maybe the programs are trying to query the camera at the same time slowing it down? just a thought and good luck, and for a project of mine, do you think you could use one of the serial interfaces of the router and make a program that gives it an address so a uController czn talk?
