Teensy 3.1 based 3D printer controller



I started my RepSCRAP (RepRap made from junk) last April, and based it on a pair of Arduino Pro-minis. It was ... well.. marginally functional, then summer hit and family time and ... <insert procrastination excuse here>

So I came back to the project recently, and have restarted my control board based on the Arduino compatible Teensy 3.1 32bit Freescale K20 ARM processor.  It runs at 96Mhz, and has two hardware based "flex timer modules"  used for quadrature decoding.


I've got X and Y axis closed loop servo control accomplished. now I have to work in the two Z-Axis motors/Encoders...


I'm currently taking a fair amount of heat over the decision to abandon the traditional Stepper Motor solution in favor of DC motor/Encoders...  Fun times...


Using 32bit ARM processor and DC motor/Quadrature Encoder replacing ATMEGA/RAMPS/Stepper motors typical of 3D reprap

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/teensy-3-1-based-3d-printer-controller

I’m a big fan of the Teensy
I’m a big fan of the Teensy 3.1, and am basing my latest bot on it. It leaves the Arduino standing in its dust. :slight_smile:

How are DC motors for printing? I would think that a motor+encoder would cost more than the equivalent stepper. I could be wrong because I’ve not tried to build a printer yet.

I got my Motor/Encoder pairs from scrap inkjet printers

So essentially free… LOL  or so the theory goes… I’ve then spent a small fortune proving out my theory.

If you ever wonder about the speed difference between Arduino and Teensy runningthe same code, look here… you’ll not likely go back…

And the Teensy is $20 USD !!!