TED talk by Dale Dougherty

I don't know if this has been posted... I just watched it and thought others

would be interested.  This is the fellow who founded Make Magazine and

he talks about how (average) people are playing with technology, even if

they don't know what they're doing :-)  


I actually loved that talk.

Describes me to a tee - I haven’t really got a clue as to what I’m doing, but I just love tinkering, and have done so all my life :smiley:

He didn’t mention the

He didn’t mention the Durham, NC Maker Fare (we have one) and hacker space (Splat Space). We also have a more pro style “TechShopRDU” where tons of that sort of activity by individuals goes on all the time. The reason the boat I work with is so hush hush is that the designer is making the body and parts of the propulsion system himself at TechShop. That attitude us also what forced me into doing more of the hardware side of things. He didn’t want me to spec out a system that I could program when assembled, he wanted me to put one together and start programing it. It is a different mindset. Areas of responsibility are very physical. I am not the software guy, I am the guy responsible for all non motor electronics, procuring, mounting, interfacing and controlling. I have to be a maker to be on this project. I have seen this happen with others also. You have your area of work you are comfortable with and a maker approaches to ask you to help with it, be ready to lay down boundaries or do a lot of stuff.

I love the TED talks. Thanks

I love the TED talks. Thanks for pointing this one out. We need to be makers, and makers of makers. ; j

+1 on this they present ideas very kindly and in a way simple people with no technological knowledge can understand what they want to pass trough this talk.