tamiya tank

does anyone a have complete tutorial from start to finish on how to build,wire,and program a tamiya tank? thanks


Are talking about that tank

Are talking about that tank tread kit ?The instuctions come the kit.

As for wireing it it’s jut two motors so it is simple.

Allot of bots here use it (including mine) so you will see allot fo pictures of what it should look like. 

tamiya tank

i just wanted a complete tutorial on how to make the kit, put the components on, and the codeing to run it (has to be arduino compatible)

tamiya tank

i just wanted a complete tutorial on how to make the kit, put the components on, and the codeing to run it (has to be arduino compatible)


Well it depends which kit

Well it depends which kit you bought, could you give the link ?

Most of those kits only come with the wood base, a batteryholder the tracks and one motor. You have to buy a gearbox with 2 motors so that the thing can turn(or you coudl use servos).

You dont need a specific tutorial to that kit to get it working, any tutorial using arduino and 2 motors with sensors should be perfect. 


here is the like https://www.robotshop.com/tracked-vehicle-chassis-kit-1.html

tamiya tank

here is the like https://www.robotshop.com/tracked-vehicle-chassis-kit-1.html

Well the thing is with that

Well the thing is with that kit you only get 1 motor so you can only go forwards or backwards. You need to get a seperate gearbox that would allow you drive both tracks with different mottors. Or you could use two servos. 

Like these ones:



(when they say 4 speed it means that when you build it you will have 4 choices of gear configuration that will detemine it’s max speed amd torque )

That’s what I did with my

That’s what I did with my Tamiya tracks too. The thing is beside having 2 indépendante gear box and 2 motors you have 4 gearing setups as mentioned Vince. The highter the ratio the stronger the tork but slower speed too. Good luck.

Check mine if you want.       https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/21631 


thanks but when i click your link it doesnt work?


Here is mine using the

Here is mine using the tracks https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/2643


thanks you did good. i wish i could use your codes but im using a aruino : (


Weird because if I copy the

Weird because if I copy the link and paste it in a new window it works…sorry about that but I don’t know why. Will check this out.

Try it

Try it again… there is an extra space at the end.



didnt work but i still saw your robot. Great Job!