Now if I could just shorten up the stack-up (shorter spacers). I’ll probably just make a custom offset C bracket that’s wide enough to take the Blackfin boards.
You could use the SES Electronics carrier to replace your base plate, that would eliminate the spacers completely. A handy little piece…
I havent really looked into the blackfin, but you might be able to have the board and cameras separate by using a flexible PC IDE cable. Like for older IDE harddrives. Just trim the IDE cable down to size/pincount. You’ll probably want to use the older, thicker 40 wire as opposed to the 80wire ATA133 wires.
You can separate some of the wires into sets of 10 (for 40wire ata 66/100) and bind them together to make it a bit more flexible and not as wide. angelfire.com/electronic2/sh … le_mod.htm
I used to do that all the time with IDE cables prior to buying the round ones.
Yeah, I could do that. I probably have the proper cable in my stock. And I might be able to use the new Lantronix carrier board we’re working on, so I’d want to route the signals with a cable anyway.
Getting back to syringes, I noticed a baby medicine oral syringe at Walmart for $1.76. Has some other medicine gizmo in the blister pack also. Fairly large syringe.