Suggest Walter's Vocabulary (Closed)

*** Update ***

Well, that's all, folks!

I have sent off my list to my voice guy. Thank you all for all your suggestions. I spent a ton of time on youtube finding most of the references people have mentioned and decided to go in a slightly altered direction.... Walter is just going to have to speak with different voices. I.e. a British guy doing the Indian guy from "Short Ciruit" just isn't funny --Now, the actual Indian guy doing his lines is funny. So walter is just going to have his "standard" voice and at times will just have to interject [sp] funny quips. So there. In addition, I think he might have some background music as well --You know, just some "strolling around the house" music...

Thanks again, guys.


Well folks,

Walter is all wired up and I have re-coded all of his sub-systems. I am now syncing up personality to the main drive code. This involves new head moves (you should see my new head "teaching pendant"), eye colors and of course, speach. Now I am about to send off a new list of phrases to my Walter voice guy in the UK so he can start recording walter's new lines. I have a pretty good list going but I am very open to any suggestions you guys might have. Bear in mind that walter is now (almost) a "stays on" pet... He is a cm from docking and charging himself so really, I am wicked close to having a true electronic pet that roams the house all day long. Think about anything you might say on a stroll or what you might muse to yourself on an average boring day.


Obscene ■■■■ that would be funny to hear a British robot say...

Either way, it's all good.

I dunno about you, but I
I dunno about you, but I think it would be great for Walter to occasionally blurt out "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!".

"Brain the size of a planet

"Brain the size of a planet … all I get to do all day is wander around … occassionally plug myself into the mains … oh well … could be worse I suppose."


With apologies to the late, great Douglas Adams.

Walter could be in love with

Walter could be in love with Asimo… his long distance girlfriend me-thinks.

"O Asimo, Asimo, wherefore art thou Asimo…"

How about
"I like ■■■■■" : P

Apologies and excuses

I’m sorry, was that your toe?

The dog did it!

I must be off now. Work awaits!

Go ahead, make my day

"Go ahead, make my day"…Then the sound of a .44 Magnum revolver :slight_smile:


Today your house, tomorrow, the world!

You have created a monster! Bwa ha ha ha!

random utterings

Go sit in the box!

I wonder what this button does?

May I go?

Is this a dagger which I see before me?

Is this a very deep closet or a dark hallway?

“Typical, living room is under construction. Again. Now we have to take a detour.”
“How’s that different from any other trip I take with you!?”
“Will you stop fooling around and ask someone for directions already?!”
“No, I know exactly where we are!”
“Do not!”
“Do too!”
“Now look what you did. Ran over a pet again!”
“Are you calling me blind?!”
“I am calling you stubborn!”
“Don’t look now, but your MPS is showing.”
“OH, you’re the one to talk!”
“I can’t heaaar youuuuu!”


The Daisy song from Space Odessey 2001.

"Alien, I’m a legal alien."

The Nokia Ringtone, followed by “Why can’t I get that stupid tune out of my head!”


"phweet fwoo pfwoooeui" (R2D2)

"Fweeeet-FWEEEE!" (construction workers on the scaffold to the pretty ladies)

"fwooow fwee fwooh fwee fwoo fwoo fwew" (Tie me kangaroo down sport)

"Fwoooo Fwaaaa Fweeee" (Good Bad Ugly)

"Phwoooweee" (That was close!)


You’ll never get me!

This hallway is not big enough for the two of us, pal!

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?

nenner nenne neeeennerrrr

There is no line you can draw that I cannot follow!

And that’s the way it is
Good night!

scariest part robots?

have him quote the borg when objects are in front of him (or people )

We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile



when he has to stop

The secondary gyrodyne relays of the propulsion field intermatrix have depolarized!

Come on, shut off that damn

Come on, shut off that damn alarm and I promise I’ll never violate you again.

Everything’s just kind of… you know… dead, I guess. It’s all… you know… shut down.

Ten seconds to auto-destruct.

Abort auto-destruct sequence.

Resistance is not futile?

Please enter program.

Red alert. Shields up. … What shields?

My logic is undeniable, my logic is undeniable, myyy looogic is unndeenniabble…



You are experiencing a car accident

One of us

I am not a toy!

Do not speak the seven-word activation code unless you mean it.

Malfunction! Need input!

Colt 45, semi-automatic… playdough!

Error. Grasshopper disassembled, reassemble!

it’s a machine. It doesn’t get pissed off. It doesn’t get happy, it doesn’t get sad, it doesn’t laugh at your jokes.

You people are nuts
And I love you all.


On the same note, have him say:

"Define: LOVE/HATE/ANGER/JOY/Various other emotions"

And take the audio clip from Terminator 2 where the T101 says "Hasta La Vista, Baby!"

And this next one, you don’t have to have the british dude say either, just download and stick it onto Walter’s Ipod.

Still Alive (the Portal Song) by GLaDOS (it’s on Amazon, or I could email you a copy…)


"walter is a sexy robot"
Robots don’t have to be modest. Do they?

’Can I call a friend’'Chris

’Can I call a friend’

‘Chris - there’s a programming error here!’

‘ET - call home!’

'Master - can we play with the monster again?'

or you could get walter to quote zybarskys third law of cybernetic entermology - ‘There’s always another bug’