I require your help regarding a equipment concer
Our system is stuck on yellow, we have attempted to hold the yellow button thinking it was in sleep mode but it will not change to blue or cycle. We got our litter robot about three weeks ago and have had numerous issues.
Thank you so much in advance for your help!
Hello @Jodie_18 !
From the manual, the yellow light means:
- When the yellow light is on, the Litter-Robot is cycling.
- When the yellow light is flashing once per second, it will mean one of two things: (1) The cycle was interrupted by the cat sensor. If the cat sensor is activated while the unit is cycling, it will stop. Fifteen seconds after your cat has left the globe, the unit will resume cycling. (2) The bonnet has been removed. If the bonnet is removed while the globe is in the Home position or during a cycle, the unit will stop. Five seconds after replacing the bonnet, the unit will resume its previous function.
- When the yellow light is flashing twice per second, it means the cycle was interrupted by the anti-pinch feature. If the anti-pinch safety feature is activated while cycling, the globe will reverse direction for two seconds, then stop. The yellow light will flash for one minute. Then, the globe will attempt to rotate toward the Home position again.
If the light is kept on, it could be deduced that the system is stuck somewhere in the cycle. So, I could suggest you to look into this post to further information.
Hope this help you!