This is my second robot. My son found some online bit pricey tho. And of course me being a PLC guy decided hey i will build my own.( what a learning expirience). I will post my complete build when I finish the final revision. new body new code and better accuracy. Well least that is the plan.
his body is made of aluminum and balsa wood. Tried to keep him as light as possible. I decided to go with a 1/16th scale R/C car battery. Last about 2 hours and charges in about 4hours. Not too bad.
( close up! ) this size body I found to be just too small. Beleive it or not but a lot of noise problems I have found to be that the sensors are just too close together. You can put all the capacitors you want on you board. I have come to realize that 8" wide is really pushing the limit on the small scale. I will keep my bots about 10" wide. Try it watch the difference you see.
( da back ) Putting the head towards the back is also not a good location. If you do be sure to have the sensor raised at a pretty high distance.
Seek's out darkness while avoiding obstacles.
- Actuators / output devices: Currently 3 servos and 3 LEDs
- Control method: autonomous
- CPU: Arduino
- Power source: 7.2 V 3300 mAh racing pack
- Programming language: Arduino ide
- Sensors / input devices: 2 ir, 2 LDR's, 1 sonic
- Target environment: indoor
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