Stella - the robobrrd

This is Stella, my work-in-progress Robobrrd. I ordered a chassis kit from Robotgrrl, and this is the progress I've made in a few days. The eyes are from an Elmo robot tear down I did a week or so ago, and are lit with blue LEDs. I've got a lot of other ideas for her, so there will be many changes to come.

I got the Eye LEDs wired up - here's a new video...

I got the perch working today...

Close up of perch

Here's a video...

Makes people smile - flaps her wings, moves her beak, sparkles her eyes

  • Actuators / output devices: Currently 3 servos and 2 LEDs
  • Control method: Arduino Duemilanove
  • Power source: 6 AA cell battery pack
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: None yet.
  • Target environment: Your lap

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It looks awesome with those

It looks awesome with those eyes!