Start robot, hooking up sensor

The cables that came with my sensor (Sharp GP2D120 IR Sensor) are black, red, and white. But when you connect it on the start tutorial, it looks like you’re connecting the cables through a black thing (sorry for my lack of electric vocab) that was used with a/the servo. My cables do not have this. They just…end. So how do I connect these to the microcontroller?

Couple different ways

The Start Here robot tutorial is using a servo connector that was snipped off a dead servo and then connected to the end of the JST connector bare wires. Since you don’t have a servo connector, you could use female jumper wire ends… If you have those, that is.

Your last resort would be to solder direct to the header pins, but I don’t recommend doing that unless there is no alternative available to you (like ordering/waiting for a servo extension cable or female jumper wires). Soldering them direct would result in less chance of you being able to effectively use plugs in the future (on the NEXT project).

Good luck, hopefully you’ll be able to get what you need and continue working on your robot project!

Am I able to use ribbon
Am I able to use ribbon cables? I don’t know much about them, but they came in a package I ordered.


Sorry, yes, the ribbon cables can be used. The AXE020.pdf ( will show you how to set those up (page 3 for output and page 5 for digital output).

Hope that helps… With that will need to attach to various sensors/motors/servos as needed. The connectors I noted above are a little easier to utilize since it allows you to connect one those input/output pins you are using instead of all of them on the board.

Well the main question I
Well the main question I have about ribbon cable is how do I connect the sensor’s cables (or any other cables) to the ribbon cable before actually plugging it into the microcontroller?


If you don’t have a JST connector for the Sharp sensor then you could solder the ribbon cables that you need directly to the back of the sensor. You will need to pick which 3 wires you will use, separate them and then attach.

You will probably need to reference the Sharp sensor datasheet for which wires go where, that datasheet can be found where you bought the sensor (but I included a link:

If you have a JST connector, then you can connect those wires to the ribbon wires and volia.

Hope this helps… BTW, between the PICAXE manuals and sensor datasheets and the ‘Start Here Robot’ you should have all the info needed.

Happy Holidays!

If you need just one connection for your Start Here Robot, I have a possible place where to scavange one. Have a look into old computer case. There often a cable going from CD/DVD Rom to sound card, having connectors you need. And it usually completely useless. Some newer computers could have this as well. Good luck! :smiley: