Ssc-32 feedback

Well i got my ssc-32 and hooked it up to the battery like in the servo positioning tutorial. The led turned green for 5 sec and then it went out… everything was still plugged in and all… was this supposed to happen?

The green LED is not a power light but a status indicator. It’s job is to remain on till the SSC-32 receives a serial command. Then it goes out and from there on it blinks when receiving data. This help?

yeah but i didnt even connect it to the computer yet and it went out completely, i used the 6v battery you supply with the wiring the brat came with.

Did you charge the battery? Measure the voltage to see if it’s at least 6vdc coming in. The SSC-32 has to function when it leaves here or we wouldn’t be able to install the firmware.

Oh… my bad i didnt know the 6v came uncharged, so how do i charge it?

With a charger :smiley:

I guess some things are assumed knowledge. … egoryID=48