I was looking at the sit when i saw the need for the internet controlled robot. coinsidently i had my spykee sitting around doing nothing. only one problem. i have no idez how to actually control it remotely from the internet. so if you guys are desperate enough to walk me through it or anything please do. it is controlled by wifi, has a web cam, light (led), catipillar treads and self parking system ( that means it backs itself into the charging bay).
I used to play on the BP Explorer page a fair bit, when it was up. One thing i noticed is that people will be determined to put your bot into positions you didnt want.
I am sure the BP explorer guys did all they could, but the amount of times i saw explorer bots on their backs, side, jammed on top of fences, etc.
I got some good pictures of the roof and some hands/feet though!
there is a robot at UWA that there is a robot at UWA that can be controlled from your pc. its called the telerobot or something but its really good fun. its an arm with lots of little blocks that you can pick up drop or even build a tower then knock the bricks off the table to be LOST FOREVER! or until admin gets it.