Spurtbot shadow runner

a shadow runner which follows light using a photoresistor and a small transistor.

it follows light

  • Power source: 3 volt batteries
  • Sensors / input devices: photoresistor
  • Target environment: indoor flat surface

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/spurtbot-shadow-runner-1

**my first atempt **

my first atempt


Good first attempt…

It looks nice for a first attempt. Please add a video of it in action and a clearer picture will also be appreciated.

Pretty kewl!

It looks like your balloon necks are not staying on your bearings very well though. :slight_smile:

this looks awesome, but we

this looks awesome, but we need more info and pictures!!!

Hey, that’s great!I also

Hey, that’s great!

I also would love to see better pics and videos. Let us know if it is working OK.

Looks like a photoroller!

Looks to me like the beginnings of a photoroller, a solar dragracer robot! All you need now is the photo voltaic cell!

ya i sure would answer all

ya i sure would answer all your questions


**sure i would **

sure i would


**ya sure **

ya sure


I believe he is trying to

I believe he is trying to make this, only without the breadboard.