Source code for Srf05 and picaxe 28x1

I think what he was
I think what he was referring to is asking questions about basic programming topics. If you don’t know what comments are or what they do, you won’t get very far at all. You won’t even be able to modify someone else’s code. You really need to learn what the code does before EVER building a robot. Even if someone hands you all their code you have to know what it does or you won’t get it to work. Study the code line by line and look up what it is doing so you understand it.

Study the code line by line and look up what it is doing…

Yes. And stop making more postings in here before you have done so!

It’s cool to be newbee and all, but comon, RTFM. I have send you links to it!

- Or find someone to talk to about it, thay may also help!

–From a guy who was where you are now…

Hey Pasquale,

I tried (and failed -over and over and over) to do exactly what you are trying to do right now… I had studied frits’s code again and again -even going as far as cutting and pasting (with actual sissors and a glue stick) the various sections of code to a big piece of cardboard to make a flowchart. I can’t agree with GobliZ more, you gotta write your own code. As he said, keep an eye on code from others for ideas.

Another thing I am still trying to learn is break everything up into smaller steps. Start with a program that has all your basic moves on it: Fwd, Back, spin R/L and slide R/L. Label this as “Basic Moves” and you can always come back to it to copy/paste. The same goes for your sensors - Write just the code that makes you sonar work and add a “debug” command at the end. This one is good to use so you can find out what numbers are being spit out. Keep each section small and be sure it works (Well) before going to the next step.

One more: If Frits or others are giving you some grief -Remember, no one is going to write your code for you… It is actually a blessing to have someone point you in the right direction without giving you the answer directly. baby!!


Sometimes, for some reason, I need to add a pause command after the servo command to get them to go. I have no idea why. baby!!