Solarbotics kit# 1318 from Please help

Sorry guys I'm new here but I'm just getting into small electronics and such. Something that' always interested me and now I'm an IBEW apprentice so I believe it will make school more interesting to learn. 


More to the point I have an old LMR kit I bought a while back. It's kit #1318. I bought it from solarbotics and never used it. But when I went to look for the walkthrough to explain the things I'm doing I couldn't find anything. The link provided was dead. Any help on walking me through this project so I can start to learn about this field would be great help. I basically know nothing about any of this besides the basics. So first of like to put together this kit for some good footholds for learning. 


Unfortunately we don’t have that one in our system. Try reaching out to SolarBotics for the manual / guide [email protected].