Smart Doodle Bot

12/21/2013 - A speaker is added.

11/01/2013 - Sonar/Light sensors with Auto Sweep
Parallax DAQ is used to display data in Excel.

10/23/2013 - A circular base is prodcuced with a 3D printer.
The base also serves as a very efficient soundboard for the 'motor speakers'. Now the music from the speakers is very loud. Sample music Jingle Bells is attached.

10/07/2013 - RC receiver is added as additional input

09/08/2013 -  An IR edge detector is added to the Doodle Bot.

08/29/2013 - An art work done by the healthy Doodle Bot is sbmitted to the Challenge.

08/25/2013 - An acoustic sensor for range measurement is added to the Doodle Bot.
It can now move around without hitting the walls as seen in the attached video.

08/22/2013 - An art work done by the handicap Doodle Bot is sbmitted to the Challenge.

Bought the Dagu Doodle Bot kit from Hobby King. Assembled together and uploaded the Doodle_Bot_Text_Demo_with_Music. It will play music and then draw a one-and-a-half circle and then a small arc but not the text. I believe there is something wrong with the board. Do you agree?
  • Actuators / output devices: speaker, servo
  • Control method: autonomous, RC
  • CPU: Atmega8A
  • Power source: 7.4V Lipo
  • Sensors / input devices: IR, sonar, Light, RC Receiver
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nothing Wrong

If the bot is drawing  anything at all, then it is working.

Is there any chance some of your code is “commented out” and thus, not being run?

Why, specifically, do you think it is the board (noting that everything else seems to be working) and not a software issue?

same problem

7.4V lipo is fresh.

Demo program is original. Nothing commented out //.

Can it be the H-bridge circuit?


Also, this should have been

Also, this should have been a forum post, no?

To confirm,

You can consistantly get the circles to be drawn?

If so, again, I don’t think this is a hardware issue. If you had fried hardware, it would not work “part of the time”. 


I did read the manual and check the wiring, but …

With the current wiring, it will play music, draw 1 and 1/2 circles CW (right motor turns) , stop , the left motor turns a small step, and stop.

When I swap the sensors, it will play music, draw 1 and 1/2 circles CW (right motor turns) , stop , the left motor will turn continuously without stop.


when I swap the motors …

When I swap the motors, it will play music, draw 1 and 1/2 circles CW (left motor turns) , stop , the right motor will turn continuously without stop.


sensors checked, battery changed … it makes no difference

I moved the sensors from 5mm to 3mm to the magnetic disk. It makes no difference.

The voltage jumper is set to 5V. Changed to a 4 nicd battery pack. Same problem.

Problem Identified – it is the H bridge

When using the following code to check the status of the sensors and motors, I found the problem.

Both sensors work fine.

Left motor will turn CCW - digitalWrite(7,0);

Left motor will turn CW - digitalWrite(7,1);

Right motor will turn CCW - digitalWrite(8,1);

Right motor will NOT turn - digitalWrite(8,0);


void loop(){
  // read the state of the hall effect sensor:
  hallState = digitalRead(2);
  if (hallState == LOW) {    
    // turn LED on:   
  else {
    // turn LED off:


The Doodle Bot user manual

The Doodle Bot user manual says the supply voltage: 5V-9V. The max voltage for a 2-cell lipo is 8.4V and The jumper near the power switch is set to 5V from the factory.

Hobby King offered me credit

Hobby King offered me credit once I reported the problem. I ordered another Doodle Bot and hope this time the project will go smoothly.

I received my new Doodle Bot

I received my new Doodle Bot 2 days ago. Made a brain surgury of my handicap bot by replacing the controller board. Now my bot is healthy and can move forward but is not very accurate. The repeatability is poor.

Made another entry to the Doodle Bot art competition. Here is the link:

Code is attached as kidbots.pde

Art Work by the Handicapped Doodle Bot

While waiting for my new Dagu Doodle Bot to come, I made some modification of the standard demo program. Now my robot can go backward, turn to the right, and turn to the left. To go forward, I have to turn 180 degrees.

Here is the self portrait of my doodle bot - a handicap robot which can only go backward.

The code is attached as HandicapBot.pde




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