Slamtec RPLidar C1 mesh dae file?

Does anyone know of a mesh (.dae) file for the Slamtech RPLidar C1?

My TB5-WaLI robot is running the Jazzy ROS 2 Turtlebot4 code base, which has a mesh for the stock RPLidar A1M8 “rplidar.dae” used in the sensors/rplidar.urdf.xacro URDF file. I would like my “robot model” to visualize the actual C1 LIDAR if possible.

(TB5-WaLI: TurtleBot4 running on Raspberry Pi 5 - Wallfollower Looking for Intelligence)

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Hi @alanmcd ,

I’ve looked online but I was not able to find this specific .dae file for RPlidar C1.

Have you tried contacting Slamtec directly?

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Yes, 24January sent. Nothing heard (yet…).

It will be a fairly easy box and cylinder visual if I can’t have a mesh. I already started working on a simple “WALL-E” visual, so the simplified C1 LIDAR will not look out of place if I cannot find the mesh.

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Understood. There could be delays because of the Chinese New Year. Hopefully they will reply next week.

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