Hey guys. i’m new to this forum and especially new to these micro controllers and programming language, so i’m struggling a little bit
in particular i am having trouble with the SHIFTOUT command as described in the 8000 manual. i’m trying to interface with a LCD that uses SPI serial communication. at the moment i have no idea if the problem is caused by the LCD, the micro or my crap programming skills. i’m using the ABB board with the Atom Pro 28, and the 20X4 LCD module from Modtronix. i was hoping if i post a bit of my code someone might be able to point out what i’m doing wrong.
[code]CS con P4 ;P4 - Chip Select, active low
CLK con P5 ;P5 - Clock
SPI_OUT con P6 ;P6 - Micro output/LCD Input Signal
SPI_IN con P7 ;P7 - Micro Input/LCD Output Signal
ant var byte
ant = “a”
low CS
shiftout SPI_OUT,CLK,msbpre,[ant\8]
high CS
pause 1[/code]
as far as i can tell everything is wried up correctly, but still nothing. does the SHIFTOUT command need some sort of initialisation?
this is a little off topic, but possibly related. i haven’t been able to get the DTMFOUT command working either. i’m using the on board speaker. my atom pro seems to have a white residue on it that looks kind of like flux, but i can’t be sure. is it possible there is a manufacturing fault that is causing the DTMFOUT and the SHIFTOUT not to work? i know from experience however that more likely than not its something i am doing wrong…
thanks in advance for your help guys,