Sharp IR distance sensors

I’m looking forward to automating an aircraft maintenance platform. To control the platform approach, I pretend to use two Sharp IR distance sensors with different measuring ranges. My question is if there’s any chance of occurring interference between the beams from the two sensors. What is the minimum distance (or the method of computing this distance) at which I can place the sensors to prevent interferences? Another option would be using two sensors with different functional principles (an ultrasonic sensor and an IR sensor). However, US sensors are usually more expensive.
Thank you in advance.

I recommend using ultrasonic sensors, IR are not reliable and often interfere especially over longer distances than a few centimeters.

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Thank you for your reply!
So do you recommend using two sensors with different functional principles?

yes, in the end the principle is the same, instead of bouncing the light we make the sound bounce. the cost and connection of wires is almost the same, what changes is the precision and the interferences, I speak from experience, on my robot I use 5 of them simultaneously and work much better than the IRs.