We are building a couple of gripper for a school project. What servo would be suitable for using in a gripper? We are going to use a servo saver for sure and we are looking for a quarter scale servo.
HS 5645 or HS 5685 ??? witch one is the best? they look almost identical.
If you want to use a normal gripper from Lynxmotion, we suggest the 5685 (which replaces the 5645). You really only need a 422 .
Hitec servos vary based on:
Motor used
Digital / analog
Gear ratio
Metal vs resin gears
The 5XXX series are digital sport. They vary in size, speed and torque. 56xx vs 57xx - not sure. We’ll see if Hitec can shed some light on this.
Hitec replied very quickly:
The last 3 numbers do not follow a definitive guideline, used to be the higher the number the bigger more powerful or higher end but that doesn’t always work.
There isn’t any real difference in the 5XXX vs the 6XXX- not sure why we used the 6XXX for the HS-6635 but we haven’t added to it.
The 5XXX means the normal digital circuit, 7XXX signifies the G2 High res Circuit, 8XXX will be the non-programmable ultra low deadband and the 9XXX will be Brushless.
The codes at the end: