Serial oscilloscope

Links Down

I´m kind of new with robots, and this could be a handy tool. Could you please upload the soft again. and also the source if that is available


can’t find serialscope

can’t find serialscope anymore, anyone know where the source and compiled version can be found?

download links down?

anyone has a mirror of the source and / or the compiled version?

noone answered, but I found a perfect alternative

I found a good software (free) alternative (which I wrote yesterday by myself since noone answered :).

Here is the youtube video:

and here is the link: Feedback in Youtube appreciated.

here is arduino code (it’s so small, it’s even not a code :wink: :



void setup() {  Serial.begin(115200);  }

void loop() {      Serial.print(analogRead(0));   Serial.print(" ");}

// END