Serial 4 digit, 7 seg LED display and picaxe 08M

I'm having a problem trying to control this display with an 08M.

by using the serial comms protocol from this manual for the display, all i achieve is scrambled flashing of zeros. After applying a smoothing cap to the power rail i have achieved relative stability, but its still just zero's that refresh their position every time the serout command is used.


serout 1, T2400, (0x0A, 0x0B, 0x01, 0x02)
pause 1000
goto main

yields digit 1 and 3 showing zeros, the other two blank
then the next second (when the code has looped once more), digits 2 and 4 are showing zeros, while the other two lie blank.

What is going on here?

I have already used the baudrate control line featured on the second page of the manual to change the rate from 9600 to 2400 for the picaxe 08M as it is the only common baudrate between the components.

Baud rate

The vendor’s description says it will work down to 4800 baud, your sample code has it at 2400.

the manual showed that it

the manual showed that it could be programmed at 2400 though.

maybe i’ll get a crystal anyway, just to make sure…


Nevermind, problem solved.

I used my picaxe28x2 to set the display’s baud to 2800, the highest one that is compatible with 08M
i couldn’t do this with the 08M in the first place because it doesn’t support a baud as high as the display’s default (9600)



That’ll do it every time.

That’ll do it every time.

Had that problem many times.
