Scratch App Development

Hey everyone, I'm back. I wanted to talk a little about an app I am currently developing for my robot. Basically the apl is developed on, and is sort of a virtual version of what I want my companion droids to be. The version I will add to my build journal is sort of aimed for younger kids, but I am planning to make a more adult-suited version. 

The companion droids are basically like friends/mentors for people with disabilities.

Also, I will be making an app for a personal droid, nothing to do with the Alliance of Droids companion projects.

Thanks and have a good one!


Neat stuff. Let us know when

Neat stuff. Let us know when you need beta testers.



Interesting project! Please add me to the list of beta testers :wink: I have already knowledge in some other scratch type programming interfaces, like mBlock. See it here.