Say Hello to M.I.A

You’re very welcome to do

You’re very welcome to do so. It’s open hard/software…


plz post a video of it functioning. Your bot looks much better than your original plan. Great !

Wow !

Hello MarkusB,

I’ve been away for a while, what a delight to see what you have been creating !  
The detailed sketchup & documentation is tremendous.   Where is the video of this little guy ?
Any plans to use wireless?
And what about the MAAHR project?  Would you like the MAAHR brain back?  Maybe this guy could benefit from a second brain in a trailer?   I’ve started building a 3d printer to build the top half of an InMoov to put on a wheelchair base - (a possible home for the MAAHR brain) … amazing how long this is taking me :frowning:  

Nice to see another great MarkusB project … Video !

Long time no see

Hello GroG,

No video yet as I have not finished to program the little guy. I have a wireless PS2 controller, so I could remote the robot, yes.

I have not forgotten the MAAHR project and would still like to back it. Please keep the brain. I see, you still work on it. If you need help, let me know. Have you started to print or is the printer still not finished? Video!

The Printers not finished,

The Printers not finished, but its coming along… :slight_smile:

Did you use SolidWorks? nice

Did you use SolidWorks? nice work!!

Thanks. I am using Solid

Thanks. I am using Solid Works as well, but the drawings are made with sketchup

Well done

That is a nice, compact, good looking project you have.  Well done.

Really Nice

This is a really nice project.  A lot going on in a small space.  The craftsmanship of your work is outstanding.

Really like all the pictures and diagrams too, they give a good sense of how this is put together.

Thanks for sharing, I like it very much.