Salvaged RC car, obstacle avoiding Vinny

First Robot Build. Vinny was salvaged from an RC car truck that I bought from the Goodwill for $1.99. Great place to find old toys for cheap, that you can recreate into your own project. I took him apart, gained access to the mechanical wiring and removed the old PCB. He came with a nice DC motor that controls the back wheels. The front of the car was equipped with a trigger. The trigger was actuated by another DC motor that would just flip the trigger to one side or the other if the motor was reversed. When the trigger was energized, either forward or backward, the front wheels would move to one direction or the other at a very minimal range. Probably only 30 degrees. And the motor wasn't strong enough to actuate the trigger fluently enough with Vinny's added weight. I had to remove the trigger and the motor and reattach the steering column to a servo motor. This made his steering more powerful, extended range, and a lot more precise. After modifying the steering control, I had to connect a second Servo to control his eyes, in order to give him some pireferral vision. Finally attaching the Ping Sensor to the Servo, to detect how far items are in front of him. I attached a 9.6V Battery Pack with a switch to give him plenty of juice and an on/off switch.

Obastacle avoidance

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

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I have an arduino Uno with an adafruit motorshield stacked on top of it.