Sabertooth 2x25 with BS2

I just built a RC lawn mowing robot I am using a 2x25 sabertooth controller and I am trying to program it with a BS2 in rc mode and I cant get it to work, does any one have a sample program or know where to get one?

Post your code here. Then we can help you to figure out why it’s not working.

I just figured it out. First of all dimension engineering said to give the saber a pulse between 1000 to 2000 micro seconds, I tried using the range that i use for servos and that seem tow work better. The I didnt have a ground between my BS2 and the saber, which also helped

1000uS to 2000uS is the range for servos. So DE told you right. I suspect you had those values in your BS2’s pulsout which is not correct. The ground was your true problem. Glad you got it going…