S movement for Lynx L6 Arm

Hello All,

As I have been reading through the detail for SSC-32, even tho it can control up to 32 servo at once, but I have found that SSC-32 are not able to do 2 independent movement at a single time. ( not sure if I am right about this… )


I am looking for a way for my L6 arm to do a S shap movement or to draw a circle on a piece of paper… Can anyone help?


One option have crossed my mind is use 8 core FPPA chip plus PWM to make another driver for the L6… but this may be another totally different topic.

The SSC-32 can do group moves. You may have missed this in the documentation. This is an important feature of the SSC-32. Using the time parameter along with a group move should get you the results you want. :slight_smile:


TKS linuxguy for the reply…

I am aware of the group move function, but the manual says “All Channels will start and end the move Simultaneously…”

I want to do an S move for the L6… S move require not a Linear, but something like a curve type of movement and acceleration… so all servo has to move in variable speed and direction for a curve type of movement.

let me try to illustrate it out the best I can…

now the best I can get is like the following movement
0000 _
000 /00\ B
00E \ _ /

the L6 moving from B to E
I need to input the \ - / \ \ \ \ / - \ movement
all of the above are Leaner lines…

but what I hope to achieve is a true S type of curve movement and O type of circle movement. Is there any way to achieve that?

In the computer world there is no such thing as a circle or arc, but rather 64 sided boxes and 128 sided boxes etc… :wink:

The SSC-32 can do independand OR group moves. For a group move you send all of the destinations, THEN a T time for the move to take place, then a CR to make it all happen. For independant moves you simply send all of the destination positions then the CR for it to happen. You can also set separate commands for speed for individual servos. However you really do want the group command. You will want to send many destinations along the curvy path. When it plays them back it will follow to the best of it’s ability as closely as possible, resulting in a nice curvy line. More positions will result in a smoother result.

Robot Dude

TKS for the reply… please correct me if I am wrong… so the suggestion is that I need to individually PLOT the position one by one or I need to PLOT the group move ( also point by point )…

If the above is really necessary, than I think I really need to create a program with GUI to create the vector drawing, than translate it into the Plotting info for SSC-32, than into the SSC-32. Can you help me with this? I mean, can you give me some direction about how to do this?


The group move is your friend. Look at it this way. If you were doing a traditional X/Y plotter table, you would draw a small circle by moving into many points say 16, along the path of the circle. Using an arm you still need to move the end effector into these same 16 points. To do this, you program the arm to move into 16 individual points along the circular path. The requires all servos involved to start and stop at the exact same time. Without pauseing between moves the arm will draw a circle in one motion. Does this help?

Anyone have a small example (maybe one or two lines) of what this code might look like. Still on the bottom of the learning curve here and would love some help since this is exactly what I wanted to try as well.

Also , would this be done through Lynx Term?


FYI: I need about a 4th grade explanation level for most of this stuff. :open_mouth:


Most most motion associated with these types of arms is circular in nature. Accurate positioning on a flat x-y plane would require some complex x-y-z positioning by the arm controller. The ideal solution would probably be a math equasion that would do all the movement calculations. It probably would be good to make friends with someone whose hobby is calculus based physics to generate such an equasion. For one-off situations the individual servos could be positioned for single points on the “S” and recorded for playback.

Back to stacking up dominoes!

For a simpler aproach to solving the problem you can use the power of RIOS to teach the arm the sequence of positions to draw the letters. RIOS has all of that IK math already doen for you. Then you can export the raw positioning data to a basic atom or basic stamp file that can be programmed onto the processor for use in your project. No PC required.