ROVer - a semi-autonomous robot... eventually... someday

Hi all... I'm only getting back into my robotics project after about a 2 year hiatus, but wanted to share how things are going with the community. I've learned a lot from the broader robotics/maker community and that's the only way I got as far as I have (...not that it's very far, yet) and wanted to share where I am thus far.

I added YouTube link in the form, but it didn't seem to save, so here's the link:

Also, for those who are even more novice than me, I'd love to be able to give back to those just getting started and help wherever I am able.

As for my "ROVer", I would absolutely love any feedback, thoughts, suggestions, ideas, criticism, etc... it's all good! :)

Thanks again!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Wow, shiney

     I think I have Actobotics envy.    I wasn’t able to turn up the audio on the video here so I don’t have all the details but in general I have more success if I leave a project and think about it some.  

     So it looks to me like that’s a Arduino mega ADK as the brain.  So I assume you are an android programer thats a good place to be these days.  A telepresence bot would be popular at a Maker Faire (especially the ones that eat teddybears){the bots not the fairs}.

     And unlike some i have no problem with using  relays to drive the motors.  They are very reliable and have a low energy loss.  But you might want to look at how you can reduce the ware on the contacts when driving inductive loads.  I haven’t played with high current relays my self but i know the old school equipment had more in there then a battery, relay and a motor.  I will check my old books and let you know if i find anything.


Good luck


I dig the Mars Rover

I dig the Mars Rover inspired rocker-bogie design. I’ve subscribed to your YouTube channel and will check out your videos. 

Question: Are you intending to use this primarily indoors or also outdoors? You may run into trouble with IR sensors and communications outdoors, due to the amount of IR in sunlight, which will interfere.

Please keep us posted on your work. It looks like a great project!