

I just received and built my new Rover, when I plugged it all led except the LED5 are open, I would like to be sure it’s not broken. What is the code needed to flash LED on and off? I assume I need to put a pin HIGH with the correct int but by looking at the schematic I cant figure out which pis is it since I just see LED_SEL.

Sorry if this question was already asked in the past, the search engine did not return usefull links.



Here are other question:

  1. Is it normal that the LiPo USB charger have only a usb connector, no plastic battery connector is present on the board. In the product picture it doesnt look like the one I have, is this a QA issue?

  2. When I put normal AA battery they get very hot, I guess it’s because the system try to “charge” them when it’s plugged in usb?! Is there a way to use normal battery without putting fire?

The blinking “debug” lef is blinking without a problem, it was more the 6 LED around the rover that was a problem, but now I understand they are not conected to a board PIN. I’m planning using the bluetooth connectivity to control the rover from an Android phone, did you have issues? I’m about to use these step first: and then make my own application.

@Cbenson, I’ll follow provided steps thank you for the information.



I was wondering they seem to have LEDS near M1 and M2 are they controlled by some pin on the arduino board? Also I was wondering if you considered putting up a wiki, the forum is nice but I think a wiki page could really help sort the information.

This would greatly help us centralize knowledge, anyway if you need help at this I’m more use to setup web stuff than electronic stuff :wink:

Here is a couple of question that most probably other will have:

  1. How can we change the baud rate for the bluetooth? Is it Arduino that control it when we call: Serial.begin(9600); or we need to specify the bluetooth shield also at which baud rate it should speak.

  2. For the wifi shield is the shield acting like a web server? Or the shield get a IP assigned and listen on a port?

  3. Can we get the code which is initially installed on the rover, they broadcast temp and light on the serial this part is not cover in the documentation.

I was wondering lights appear close to the M1 and M2 are controlled by the pin on the Arduino board? Also, I was wondering if considered putting up a wiki, the forum is nice, but I think the wiki page could really help sort the data…

A very frustrated newcomer here.
Got my rover and assembled it. the embeded program runs it forward and backward. when I try to D/L code to it I run into the following problems
1; on a MAC OS/X I do not see a usb port and no matter what I pick it tells me it is “in use” and stop the program that may be using it.
2; in Windows Vista I see only com#3 and it says “problem uploading to board”
Is this board accesable via usb or not. There is no “serial ports” on modern computers, all are usb compatable. what gives?
How do I remady this?

when I try to up load to it the error msg is “Problem uploading to board” then it talks about seeing the site for trouble shooting help. No help there.
when I look at the serial port it indicates “Com3” this is on the vista machine.
On the Mac I get “serial port “(here it mentions any and all serial ports available on the pulldown menu)” already in use. try closing any program that might be using it”
And it DID come with a preloaded program that runs it forward 6 inches and back 6 inches repeatedly. I can not access the code on the board to look at it. this program runs under battery power. Is it possible that the board is a return or bad?

If I wanted my rover to go backward 1 second go forward 1 sec 1 sec, turn right 1 sec 1 sec and then turn leftt 1 sec how would I do with the basic code.
in other words how do I get it to do a function for a given time then do another?

[code]int E1 = 6; //M1 Speed Control
int E2 = 5; //M2 Speed Control
int M1 = 8; //M1 Direction Control
int M2 = 7; //M2 Direction Control
void setup(void)
int i;
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void loop(void)
int leftspeed = 255; //255 is maximum speed
int rightspeed = 255;
analogWrite (E1,255); // back
analogWrite (E2,255);

analogWrite (E1,255); //forward
analogWrite (E2,255);

analogWrite (E1,255); //right
analogWrite (E2,255);

analogWrite (E1,255); //left
analogWrite (E2,255);

Thanks, I’ll try that, its a starting point.

OK modified the code to

[code]int E1 = 6;
int E2 = 5;
int M1 = 8;
int M2 = 7;

void setup()
int i;
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void loop()
int leftspeed = 255;
int rightspeed = 255;

analogWrite (E1,leftspeed); // forward

analogWrite (E2,rightspeed);



delay(1000); // A small pause to allow the motors to stop

analogWrite (E1,leftspeed); // right

analogWrite (E2,rightspeed);



delay(1000); // A small pause to allow the motors to stop

analogWrite (E1,leftspeed); // left

analogWrite (E2,rightspeed);



delay(1000); // A small pause to allow the motors to stop

analogWrite (E1,leftspeed); //back?

analogWrite (E2,rightspeed);



delay(1000); // A small pause to allow the motors to stop
// and so on…

}[/code]goes forward, stop, goes left, stop, goes right, stop, and then goes forward not backward.
shouldn’t setting both M1 and M2 to “LOW” cause them to run backward?

I see the problem both forward and back the m1 and m2 are set the same.
Never mind!

Hi mobidroid,

Welcome to the RobotShop Forum. All LEDs are on the same circuit, so if #5 does not light up, it is either not properly soldered or damaged. The LEDs are jumper controlled at the right rear of the board, so there is no “pin” control unless you wire it yourself (one digital pin connects to jumper V+ and the other pin from LED_SEL to GND).

When the batteries are inserted into the AA battery holder, they should get a bit warm, but not overly hot. DO NOT PLUG IN BOTH THE LiPo and AA BATTERIES (Choose EITHER the AA OR LiPo). Plugging in the USB cable whlie there are AA batteries OR the LiPo batteries should be fine. Be sure you have the AA batteries oriented correctly and if they heat up quickly without using the code, there may be a short. In either case, see instructions below:

Please contact us via the Support Center and we will issue you an RMA (return merchandise authorization) since the LED does not light up and the charger did not include the JST connector (both we and the manufacturer apologize for the inconvenience).

Thank you for bringing these to our attention and we hope to resolve the situation quickly,


We have not tested the rover with an Android phone - the video showing the rover working with the Android phone was done by Google staff.


Hi E-Penguin,

Unfortunately a batch of chargers were sent to us without the JST connector and some were shipped out before we caught the error. Please write to Exchanges / Returns via the RobotShop Support Center with your invoice number and we will gladly send you the missing component. Should you not wish to solder, you can ship back the charger and we can replace it with RB-Spa-503. Please indicate your preference in the email. We apologize again for the inconvenience and thank you for choosing RobotShop.

Hope this helps,

Hi mobidroid,

The LEDs next to the screw terminals (LED 1,2,3,4) are not user controlled - they simply show the motor’s direction.

We have not yet considered a WiKi, though it’s not a bad idea. Perhaps we’ll release a few more robots before implementing a Wiki.

If you are learning robotis and are more used to setting up “web stuff” you may have a lot of fun using the WiFi shield (DB-Dfr-81 - to be on the site shortly) similar to what this user did involving the DFRobotShop Rover and WiFi shield.



The default setting for the bluetooth module from DFRobot is 115200 (not 9600). If you want to change this, you would need to modify it in the code which you upload to the Arduino board, and modify it in hyperterminal (or whichever program you are using on the computer side.

We have not yet received the new DFRobot WiFi shield, but based on what we have read, it has a built-in web server for configuration via a standard web browser.

The code to access the analog pins connected to the temperature and light sensors can be found on the Arduino website under “learning”. There is no code initially installed on the rover - only a bootloader. We encourage people who are new to Arduino to check out the Arduino website - the DFRobotShop Rover PCB is a fully functional, shield compatible Arduino board.

If you have the DIP switches on the top of the board, you have the latest version of the module. We have contacted the manufacturer to see what they suggest. In the meantime, simply try modifying the baud rate in the code and in hyperterminal (no modification to the bluetooth module itself).


Interesting thought, but it should work when connected to the bluetooth / APC220 pins, which are connected to P0 and P1 (serial). You would essentially be testing to see if there is a broken connection somewhere. The manufacturer will likey get back to us in a day or two and we will post their reply here. Also, try using Xon/Xoff.


Currently only the six blue LEDs around the board can be controlled - the rest are to provide status. We have had several requests for controlling LEDs, though our opinion is still such that if a customer would like to control LEDs, they can easily add their own. A Wiki is certainly a good idea. We may implement one at a later date after we have released a few additional projects.
