Rotator rc scale tow truck

Hear is a build that I am doing using stuff purchased from local hardware store and the robotshop. I’m taking a flatbed truck I purchased and adding a scale rotator tow truck backend. I am useing rc actuators to do most of the movements . I am also using servo winches to do all the pulling on the truck. As of right now all the steel work is done and most of the styrene work is done to. Waiting for servo winches and rc actuators to arrive to continue. I have taken little pulleys and ground them down and made them swivel like on the real trucks. Hope you injoy I have had a good time building it.

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Nice build, looks very clean! Do you plan on adding a video of it in action?

Thanks, I do plan on making lots of videos in scale investments. I have lots builds going on. I have been getting a half acre of land out back ready for a scale city. Removed 80 trees, put in a pond with island and then built a little 2 story shop to build everything in. You can check it all out on my Facebook under rick perry. Red cartoon logo. Thanks again.

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