Ropbogames 2010

Robogames 2010 is coming soon. You can find out about it If any Lynxmotion multileg builders live close to Northern California I really recommend going and entering your robot. The organizer of the games has a Lynxmotion hexapod that probably would have won the Walker challenge if he had run it autonomously instead of by remote control. There is a also a very cool competition for two and for legged robots called “Mech Wars”. There are links on the site, you should check it out.

For the price of entering an event you get free tickets for you and your “team” for multiple days of robot competitions such as Combat, Sumo, Fire-Fighting, Robomagellan, art bots, etc. It is really fun to meet other people who build robots and see what they are doing. I was kind of worried I would be embarrassed because my robots aren’t that great, not half as good as most of the robots on this forum. But no understands the difficulty of building a robot like another robot builder. You get a lot of tips and people ask a lot of question. And there are so many different types of robots there you are sure to be inspired by something.