
Well, I ran out of desert

Well, I ran out of desert so grass was the best next option. I hope Rommel will excuse me. Still need to mow it now you mention it.

Robot looks awesome, don’t

Robot looks awesome, don’t mow that lawn, it looks perfect that way!


Yes, my stuff came in today. No, it’s not right yet. They sent 2 motors but one had a very little shaft. No twss. So it’s back to the shop (how frustrating).

Anyhow, the rest was ok so I managed to start on the tracks. Check it out:


There's a little rollercaster in the front (from polulu). The Sharp sensors also came in, long(er) range one is mounted on there now. Since the tracks are that small I couldn't go for 3 wheels. The picture isn't very good. It looks better standing here.

how many parts are still from the hard disk?



Ow yeah, I forgot the motors. If you make it a bit bigger you could use the HDD ones with cheap brushless controllers and some gearing. Since I made this pretty much tiny I had to scale that part down. I’m not very good with small spaces.

Half of it

About half of it I guess. You have the 2 arms which are harddisk heads. The wheels are several spacers found between the disks (hey, they could be featured in pimp my ride), the small one in the front is a spacer that holds the heads up. There was some plastic arround that which I removed. Then the normal computer spacers that elevate/hold the picaxe. The neck also comes from a disk and ofcourse all of the screws (except the long ones that hold the rear wheels togheter. The jumpers on the picaxe are from a disk to. :wink:

What doesn’t come from the disk is the tracks, the abs box, the leds, the servos, the sensor w bracket, the picaxe ofcourse and the battery. Guess thats pretty fair no? I you really want I could cut op some disks and replace the abs box to, pretty though material i already found out (thats why I went for the abs) . :slight_smile:


that’s awesome. you should keep the abs box.

did you find jumpers with connectors in the hdd. i’m going to have to start looking for old hdd’s and dismantling them.



The jumpers are on the back (outside), you can set primary/slave/autoselect for the disks with these. All of them have that normally. If your good with soldering, some have leds also but I coudln’t be bothered, to fiddely.

trucks are cool

i like the tracks…

Pimp my bot

A few stickers and a mini skateboard later


Lol, liking the teeth

Lol, liking the teeth :smiley:


What does rommel mean?

I tried to make a head for the SHARP sensor using a ping-pong ba


The plan was to have a RGB LED inside the head to give it more personality  :-)

Thats a dutch word for junk

Thats a dutch word for junk or rubbish. Look at|en|rommel.

I like the shiny metal hdd parts on it :smiley:




Haha, that’s hilarious! It’s like Calimero or the top of a skull (would match the teeth on my both. Think I’ll steal that also :slight_smile:

Ok did it :wink:

Didn't have a pingpongball so i borrowed a bouncing ball of the kids.


Guess I have to buy them a new one ;)


When I first saw the name “Rommel” I thought instantly at the german general! haha, I never thought it’s a dutch word