Hello everyone! I'm Andy and this is my robot. Some of my neighbors and I were sitting around one day and thought about the lifelong subjugation of wheels as mere tools for motors, when they could become so much more on their own. Also we only had servos and needed to make a robot that could navigate a racecourse by rolling.
@kong Interesting concept. In order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom, have you tried with one continuous rotation servo and a suspended weight? Granted it does not have the same traction as actively pushing against the ground, nor can the electronics be located in the center. Any thoughts as to how you’ll make it turn without tipping over?
I think that’s what the next iteration will have, if I can manage to find/hack together a strong enough servo. Much more stable than it currently is, I’ll say that. I might be able to rig a little platform in the center between two big wheels to hold the electronics, but at that point it’s just a car with huge wheels.
Turning will be tricky, and with the current mode of transportation, likely very work-aroundish. I considered having one side put out a leg to catch the robot on one side with a leg on the other pushing off the ground, but the wheel wouldn’t be able to turn while held like that.